Rosetta Primary School

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21-23 Knockbreda Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT6 0JA

02890 491650

Rosetta Primary School

'Everyone's invited. Everyone's included. Everyone's encouraged.'

  1. News
  2. Work packs - P5 andP6

Work packs - P5 andP6

20 May 2020 (by Thelma Crawford (Principal))

New work packs will be available to collect on Tuesday afternoon (26th May)  between 2.00 and 3.30pm. To avoid long queues, could P5 packs please be collected between 2.00-2.45 and P6 packs between 2.45-3.30pm. If you could arrange with friends that one would collect packs for friends too it will minimise the number of people coming. There will be a one way system in place, come in through the front door and leave by the door beside Bumbles. Remember to leave a 2m distance if there is a queue. Thank you.