Welcome to P1I
WELCOME TO P1 with Mrs Dunlop and Mrs Carson
Primary One children have settled in wonderfully this term.
A big thank you to parents for all your support so far. We really appreciate it!
Our topic this term is called 'All About Me'
We will be learning all about;
- Families - Who makes up our family
- How I have changed - a timeline for your child
- Memories - creating a memory box of special items they have had since birth
- Different cultures
- Friendships - linked with the NSPCC programme
- Babies - Caring for babies
We love learning all about our families and how we are all different.
We decided it is so much better to be different than to all be the same!
In P1 we love getting outside for outdoor learning!
Each of our P1 children has been given a P7 buddy to look after them in the playground at break time. They came down and played with us on our first day in Rosetta and continue to play with us every Monday and Wednesday. I think P7 enjoy this as much as the P1s.
we have been sorting using Venn diagrams and Tree diagrams. Have a look at some of the things we have been sorting in class. We love talking about the reasons why we have chosen to sort objects.
Our Autumn Walk
We had a fantastic time on our Autumn walk to Cherryvale on Tuesday 17th September.
We looked at all the beautiful trees and discussed the variety of colours that they turn during this season. Our P7 buddies came with us and helped us to do bark rubbings with crayons and they helped us to identify all sorts of Autumn treasure that we collected.
The P7's also joined us in the playpark where we had lots of fun on all the equipment. We were very lucky - it was a surprisingly hot and sunny day for September.
Autumn maths
We had a brilliant time using all our Autumn treasure that we collected on our Autumn walk in our maths. We sequencing numbers and counted out items to match the numbers. We sorted leaves, feathers, conkers etc. into different hoops. We used sticks to make a variety of 2d shapes.
Maths Week
We had lots of fun using 2D shapes to make shape monsters. Have a look at some of the shapes we have learned. we also have been investigating using scales. We used cubes and elephants to see how many it took to balance with some of our harvest foods. The P7 buddies came down to play some maths games with us. We really enjoy seeing them and learning how to play some new games.
Vegetable Soup
During playtime we helped to wash, peel and chop a variety of vegetables for our soup.
We followed a recipe - we used 2 carrots, 2 parsnips, 2 onions, 2 potatoes, 2 leeks, 2 celery stocks and 2 sock cubes.
We chopped them into small chunks and put them into the soup maker. It is very handy as it cooks the vegetables within half an hour.
The soup was an orange colour and we thought it smelled good.
We all had a cup of soup to taste.
Some people didn't like the soup and some did, but nearly all of us tasted it!
Anti-bullying week
As part of anti-bullying week we all wore odd socks to celebrate how unique and different we all are! Have a look at some of the interesting colours and patterns we wore.
Chinese New Year
Primary One really enjoyed learning about Chinese new year. We learnt about celebrations in the Chinses culture, read stories, tried writing Chinese symbols and made some snake crafts for the year of the snake!
Construction Site
Our new topic in P1 is the construction site.
We are enjoying the story of the 3 little pigs and had great fun building houses out of bricks, sticks and straw. We tested them against a fan and are happy to report that they all stood firm! We make great builders.