Rosetta Primary School

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21-23 Knockbreda Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT6 0JA

02890 491650

Rosetta Primary School

'Everyone's invited. Everyone's included. Everyone's encouraged.'

Rosetta Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from Rosetta Primary School.


News Stories

  • World Book Day
    World Book Day tomorrow - Thursday 1st March. Primary 1 - 3 - Dress up as a book character. Primary 4 - 7 - Non-uniform - £1 for charity.
  • A new service for hometime…
    Newtownbreda (St John’s) Presbyterian Church Foyer 2-3 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays – Beginning Tuesday 27th February
  • Half Term
    There is no Rosetta Reporter this week due to the short week. Have a lovely half term break. Please complete the healthy eating survey if you haven't already done so - and thanks to those of you who have!
  • Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 6th February
    The internet is a great learning tool for children, but it also can expose our children to risk. All classes had an e-safety lesson on Tuesday, and talked about the SMART rule:
  • Survey
    I would like to get your opinion on promoting healthy eating in school. Please complete the short survey by clicking on the link below.
  • New app
    We have a new app to keep you informed about what is going on in school.
Showing 41-46 of 46