Rosetta Primary School

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21-23 Knockbreda Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT6 0JA

02890 491650

Rosetta Primary School

'Everyone's invited. Everyone's included. Everyone's encouraged.'

  1. News
  2. Supervised learning information

Supervised learning information

10 January 2021 (by Thelma Crawford (Principal))

If you have registered for your child to attend school for supervised learning please note the following:

children must wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch and their work pack

the school day is 8.45-1.15 for Nursery, 8.50 - 1.50 for P1-3, 8.50 - 2.50 for P4-6 and 8.40 -2.40 for P7.

children should come into the playground and go straight to class through the double doors

there is no face to face teaching, the children will be doing the same activities as those children who are being cared for at  home. There will be periods of play and free choice activity, children may bring a book, toy or game from home, but no mobile phones or any device which can be used to take photos or recordings, or send messages. 

When collecting your child in the afternoon, please respect social distance and wear a face covering. 

The aim of closing schools is to reduce the number of interactions, to protect your child, family and us all.