School starts tomorrow!25 August 2021 (by Thelma Crawford (Principal)) |
School starts for all pupils tomorrow. P2 & P3 8.45 - 11.45, P4-7 8.88-11.55. Children may line up in the playground 10 minutes before their starting time. On Friday P2& P3 finish at 1.45 and P4-7 finish at 1.55. All children need a packed lunch on Friday and Tuesday, school meals are available from Wednesday. Children will only receive free school meals if an application has been made to the EA for 2021/22
Children may bring pencil cases and school bags, a packet of wipes and a ream of A4 photocopy paper would also be greatly appreciated.
There is still quite a bit of good quality second hand uniform available. It can be collected from the Assembly Hall on Friday afternoon between 1.30 and 2.15pm. A minimum donation of £1 per item is suggested.