Rosetta Primary School

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21-23 Knockbreda Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT6 0JA

02890 491650

Rosetta Primary School

'Everyone's invited. Everyone's included. Everyone's encouraged.'

  1. News
  2. Whole school
  3. Friends of Rosetta Meeting - Wed 11th - 7:30pm

Friends of Rosetta Meeting - Wed 11th - 7:30pm

9 April 2018 (by admin)

Friends of Rosetta—our next meeting is on Wednesday 11th April at 7.30 in the staffroom. EVERYONE is welcome.

Friends of Rosetta play an important role in the school, organising fun events for the children and raising much needed school funds. It is a great way to get to know parents and staff in the school community too—please join us if you can.